Maria-Jacobi-Gasse 1, Media Quarter Marx 3.4, A-1030 Vienna |  | Phone: +43 1 – 715 72 67

From Vienna to Global

ViennaUP’22 is a decentralized, community-driven festival in the heart of Europe that shines a light on the future of technology.

Initiated by the Vienna Business Agency, ViennaUP’22 once again brings together all relevant stakeholders – both international and from the local scene – and together with partners creates a unique, networked experience for startups, investors, tech enthusiasts, creatives and visionaries.

20 program partners offer a total of 50 events in one week on topics in the field of innovation, creativity and technology.

The complete program of ViennaUP’22 is available at:

INiTS @ ViennaUP’22:


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