Maria-Jacobi-Gasse 1, Media Quarter Marx 3.4, A-1030 Wien |  | Tel.: +43 1 – 715 72 67



Our Mission is to enable biopharma to develop biologics for undruggable diseases through a systematic and scalable discovery platform leveraging protein design algorithms and the limitless power of A.I.. Our Vision is to give access to every patient in need to an optimized or personalized treatment to overcome any disease such as many types of



Monitorius develops, sells and operates intelligent and autonomous sensor networks for geomonitoring, meteorological and environmental monitoring. We measure a large number of relevant parameters directly (in-situ) in the affected area (e.g. mountainside). The real-time data is delivered visualised and easy to understand to a wide range of customers.

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SciPub+ provides a modern alternative for centuries-old scientific publishing format by using novel AI solutions to enhance quality, speed, and accessibility. Our platform streamlines the publication process, allowing researchers to focus on innovation rather than formatting and language barriers. With features like AI-assisted drafting, peer review co-pilot, and customized overview, SciPub+ is aiming to accelerate

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Beat Shaper

Millions of aspiring music artists struggle to learn the basics of music theory and audio engineering needed to write their own songs – and most of them give up before ever finishing a single track. Existing music production software is powerful yet complex and presents a difficult learning curve that overwhelms most beginners. Beat Shaper

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