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BeVi – Best View

We help e-commerce owners/ online sellers to reach their audience by creating professional quality product pictures with the AI-based mobile camera app that will analyse the scene and capture the best and most attractive shots by itself. We have extensively studied the gaze patterns of tens of thousands of individuals and harnessed the capabilities of AI […]

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OPTIVICE energy is the innovative SaaS solution that uses AI-based analysis of energy flows to find potential for saving costs, energy and CO2. The optimization increases the self-sufficiency of energy communities by recommending to consume energy when it is generated. This means that the maximum amount of energy is used locally instead of being fed

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Foolproof Skin

An AI-based mobile skin diary app that offers scientific and guided product recommendations with lifestyle tips designed to lower the burden of users who suffer from skin problems and struggle with mental health. With the observation of skin issues, from identification to solution and beyond, we gather previously unknown data on consumer behavior and how

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In 2019 about 2.5 billion images have been stolen, while 85% of the about three billion images shared online per day do not have any licensing rights or any information about creators or current owners. Loob aims to protect digital content creators by enabling to simply create or upload any multimedia file to save authorship, ownership

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Numy Foods

We offer a diverse range of delicious and environmentally sustainable meat alternatives, embracing the health-conscious needs of our customers while achieving an eco-friendlier and resource-efficient food production system. Our mycoprotein-based products present a breakthrough in sustainable food solutions, offering a plant-based protein source that satisfies taste buds, nutritional requirements, and environmental consciousness.

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commonsun provides software solutions for renewable energy communities (RECs). We support RECs with a feasibility check, project management, communication with the grid providers and take care of the registration. Once the RECs is founded we take care of the billing, the operation and the energy management of the energy community. One of our projects is

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Our knowledge of the human genome is growing exponentially, yet medical professionals struggle to incorporate it into their decision making. Important research findings are neglected for a lack of simple, reliable and fast genetic analysis. We are a pioneering genetic analysis company that aims to unlock the true potential of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), bridging

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Context brings together artificial intelligence and journalistic standards. Our tool makes it possible to check the credibility of content, statements or quotes quickly, transparently and based on data. Using a specially developed scoring system, you receive a transparent assessment, can view all the sources used and can also carry out further research manually.

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How many of you are spending hours and hours in data dashboards analyzing, while what you really want to do is take actions based on your data insights? Especially marketeers lose multiple hours per week to find and analyze results. Imagine if you could replace all those hours in spreadsheets and performance tools with one

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