Powering equity analysis and financial modeling for professionals and individual investors with: – Web-application that allows users to view a company’s fundamentals and generate an interactive valuation. – Free and premium research publication.
money:care is creating an AI tool for ESG rating agencies and asset management firms to easily gather sustainability data from unstructured documents. ESG analysts stay in charge with our tool, but their work gets much more efficient. We aim to speed up the data collection process 10x. The tool learns and improves with every use.
Magmatic empowers critical metal regeneration founded on the biological repertoire, that evolution has forged over billions of years. We secure future supply chains from end-of-life to tech with traceability, transparency and trust.
MetabolizeMe vergleicht Ihre Ergebnisse nicht bloß mit dem menschlichen Durchschnitt, sondern verfolgt die Veränderung Ihres persönlichen Stoffwechsels während und außerhalb Ihres Trainings. MetabolizeMe misst nicht eine Handvoll vordefinierter Parameter, sondern erzeugt umfassende, digitalisierte Abbilder Ihres Stoffwechsels und fassen diese in einer persönlichen Zeitleiste zusammen. Dies ermöglich eine kontinuierliche Erweiterung der Anwendung hin zu Alterung, Ernährung,
Logistical processes for surgeries are a main problem in hospitals. A high number of manual processes, web stores that ignore the needs of the end user, and no use of data treasures meet a constantly increasing number of surgical procedures and an ever-increasing variety of products. The result are overworked specialists (who are lacking in
HydrogenEdge is developing an innovative electrolysis process to produce high-pressure green hydrogen in one step and make our current energy system sustainable. The hydrogen produced in this way enables decentralized use at reduced costs in mobility and for the storage of renewable energies.
The mobile app codeXX provides scientific information to fill this knowledge gap and supports users daily with individual and cycle relevant resources (e.g. recipes for meeting changing needs, exercise videos, guided meditation) to restore this balance. This way, pain and other distressing symptoms can be relieved naturally long term, rather than suppressed only briefly through
Biomotion is a manufacturer of 3D Bioprinting systems that enable the highly-reproducible fabrication of tissues and implants. Our patented in-line, sterile, non-destructive (bio)-printing process supervision and automatic correction process plays a crucial role in the autonomous (and therefore scalable) fabrication of the medical devices of the future.
Wir gründen ein modernes und innovatives Arbeitsumfeld für Gesundheitsberufe, das an die fachspezifischen Bedürfnisse der selbständigen Fachkräfte angepasst ist. Es gibt Behandlungsräume und Ordinationen, Räumlichkeiten für Tele-Behandlung und Großraumbüros die es Fachkräften ermöglicht sich zu vernetzen. Des Weiteren gibt es Räumlichkeiten für die Erstellung von digitalen Inhalten. Einnahmen werden durch die Vermietung von Räumlichkeiten und