CircularStart into Business
The CircularStart into Business project is an ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership (2019-2021) composed of 9 partners from four European countries to address the need for knowledge and competences of start-ups and entrepreneurs in the field of circular economy, to move towards more sustainable and circular Business Models.
The objective of CircularStart is to support incubators, trainers and consultants in the sustainability and circularity training of start-ups, through the development of an interactive guidance tool and eLearning training materials, so that start-ups increase their competences to understand, assess and improve the sustainability and Circular Economy aspects related to their Business Models.
The idea of CircularStart is based on the recognition of the lack of knowledge and training of start-ups and entrepreneurs in the field of sustainability, circular economy and its opportunities. There are entrepreneurs who are bringing disruptive and sustainable innovations to the market, as well as sustainability-oriented incubators. However, this phenomenon is far from becoming predominant.
See further information at the project website:
Project partners:
- ABC – Accelerator, Rasvoj Startupov in Mladih Podjetij, Doo (SVN)
- AIE – Österreichisches Ökologie-Institut (AUT)
- ANJE – Associacao nacional de jovens empresarios (PRT)
- ITC – AICE Asociación Investigación de las Industrias Ceramicas (ESP)
- LNEG – Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, I.P. (PRT)
- MUE – Enpresagintza S. COOP. (ESP)
- PRT – Prospektiker – European Institute for Future Studies and Strategic Planning (ESP)
- VUT – Ecodesign, TU Wien (AUT)