Maria-Jacobi-Gasse 1, Media Quarter Marx 3.4, A-1030 Wien |  | Tel.: +43 1 – 715 72 67

Dear female investors!

We would like to invite you again to meet at Linda´s place.


– „Types and mechanisms of crowdfunding, the pros and cons as an instrument of seedfunding and prove of concept.“

Cloed Baumgartner runs an agency for innovation & entrepreneurship in Vienna, Austria. She is a passionated community builder and a serial social entrepreneur. Currently, she is working on her new project to enable radical connectedness among impactful women worldwide.

In recent years, she has specialized in the field of crowdfunding. She coached over 500 project starters and developed the accelerator program “CROWDFUNDERS‘ HUB” on this topic. She also teaches business modelling at various universities in Austria.

In her talk, she will give an overview of the types and mechanisms of crowdfunding, the pros and cons as an instrument of seedfunding and prove of concept and will go into detail about the process of a classic campaign and the typical platforms.

Regina Hodits, Managing Partner, Wellington Partners

– To be announced! One startup will pitch us, too.

In order to also be able to chat with each other in a relaxed manner:

– we have to insist on pre-registration

– we will ask for a current 3G proof/green pass at the entrance

We look forward to seeing you (as a whole) again!!!

Greetings Irene, Isabell, Linda, Selma and Sophie bietet eine Plattform zum Austausch zu den Themen Female Investments und Unternehmerinnen im 21. Jahrhundert. Somit wird Bewusstsein in der Community geschaffen und die Etablierung weiblicher Rollenvorbilder in der Öffentlichkeit gefördert.

Unser Ziel ist es, Interessierte aktiv zu vernetzen und gemeinsam einen Unterschied zu machen!

*) Die Veranstaltung wird fotografiert oder aufgezeichnet und kann später auf verschiedenen Kanälen zu Marketingzwecken veröffentlicht werden. Mit Ihrer Teilnahme erklären Sie Ihr Einverständnis dazu.

##### offers a platform for exchange on the topics of female investments and female entrepreneurs in the 21st century. This creates awareness in the community and promotes the establishment of female role models in public.

Our goal is to actively connect interested parties and make a difference together!

*) The event will be photographed or recorded and may later be published on various channels for marketing purposes. With your participation you declare your consent to this.

Datum / Uhrzeit:

- 13:30


Paierl Consulting Beteiligungs GmbH, Am Hof 4/4, 1010 Wien



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