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Sanja Selak von Origimm im SCALEup Talk

From musician to scientist to entrepreneur

How an INiTS Startup wants to fight acne and change the paradigm in skin care

Interviewgast: Sanja Selak, Origimm Biotechnology
Interviewer:  Markus Pietzka, INiTS

Dieses Interview wird auf Englisch geführt.

Über Origimm Biotechnology

At Origimm (‘Origins of Immunity’), we are discovering the origins of the protective immune response to develop breakthrough therapies targeting the cause of a disease rather than its symptoms.

Origimm’s inception began with Sanja Selak’s desire to develop more reliable research methods to deliver better medicinal products. Skin diseases especially drew her attention due to the additional burden of suffering caused by the external disease manifestation which frequently leads to deep emotional struggles and wounds.

Origimm strives to establish itself as the leader in pioneering medical research that delivers superior products to prevent and treat microbiome-associated diseases. We follow our vision by adhering to strong scientific and work ethics, mutual trust and concern for the good of others, including our patients, investors and business partners.

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