Bacterial cellulose has many uses, for example in making medical dressings, as food industry ingredients (thickening, flavour, colour), in food packaging and sustainable textiles. However, its utility is limited by the cost, of which a large proportion comes from growing the bacteria that produce the cellulose. This technology is an extract derived from food waste that replaces expensive conventional bacterial growth media.
Technologie Kurzbeschreibung (nur Englisch)
Food Waste Extract for Bacterial Growth
Food Waste Extract for Bacterial Cellulose Production
Conventional growth media is a cocktail of components required for optimal bacterial growth. Since it is a mixture of different components, it can be expensive to produce and is also energy-intensive. This technology is a less expensive and more environmentally friendly solution. The scientific team has optimized the derivation of an extract from food waste, meaning that the starting material is readily available and free on the market. The extract contains all the necessary components – growth factors as well as micro- and macronutrients – required for bacterial growth, and has been demonstrated to effectively support bacterial cultures for bacteria to produce cellulose. In addition, it may be possible to further expand the extract for use with other bacterial strains or to produce other bacterial products that are useful for industrial purposes.
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