Any one patient is linked to a lot of data – from their personal details, medical history, reports from lab tests, medication or surgery details, data from wearables, the list goes on and becomes more complicated. This software makes the complicated simple, collecting and consolidating medical data into one easy and usable platform.
Technologie Kurzbeschreibung (nur Englisch)
Streamlined Healthcare Data Management Software
Specialised Software for Streamlining Healthcare Data Management
The problem with medical data is not just that there is so much of it, it also comes in many different formats. For example, qualitative details like family history are recorded in a completely different way to quantitative blood test results. This makes it challenging to put these two different types of data together into one place. In addition, not all data is available in a digital format, and we’ve all learned during 2020 the value of being able to operate remotely and online. All of these things create a barrier to being able to use the data effectively, because the different pieces that may be of value could easily get lost. This software ensures connectivity and interoperability. It enables out-of-thebox transformation of any type of data into the requested format so that it can be used with ease. Furthermore, the software is incredibly rapid, delivering results in real-time, ready for AI/ML. Data stored in the system is guaranteed to be secure, with security features such as encryption and two-factor authentication. Lastly, the software can fit seamlessly alongside national healthcare recording systems, such as the ELGA in Austria. The software is intended for use in any sphere where medical data is generated, be it in hospitals or private clinics, research centers, medical technology innovators or life sciences industry settings.
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